Sunday 24 February 2008

Smelly Bean!!!!

After two weeks on the windowsill in my bedroom, I can cope no longer with the terrible smell coming from this mouldy bean!!

My bean rose to the top of the rice after a couple of days in the rice/water mixture. After 7 days I notices that the outer casing of the bean had split and a shoot had started to emerge.

At this stage the rice in the cup had started to tun green and mouldy. I witnessed no further changes in the bean after this point. I kept the bean for a further week but then made the decision that nothing further was going to develop and that the mould in the water had stopped the growth of the bean.

Before throwing the bean away, I did remove it from its incredibly smelly environment and came to the conclusion that the bean did germinate in the rice water, however, upon getting mouldy, the environment I was growing it in stopped it developing any further - I'm not surprised really - it smelt toxic when I threw it away.

But, in terms of the experiment - yes, my bean did successfully germinate.

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